
Report About Safety

Hi. Assalamualaikum to all mu beloved readers.Today i want write report about safety.Actually this is my second assignment that i’ve finished. I’ve choosed school safety. School Definition A  school  is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of  schools . Schools are critical infrastructure entrusted with the responsibility of creating citizens of tomorrow. A safe and secure environment is a prerequisite for effective teaching and learning. Thus ensuring safety of children, teachers and staff members during disasters is necessary. It becomes of utmost importance that safety of children is given due consideration, thus making schools safe also serves the purpose of their dual use as evacuation centres during emergencies. Building safe




Hi. Assalamualaikum to all my beloved reader. Here I would like to share with you about the activities that IKM Kuala Lumpur has planned and have been running smoothly .Activities begin with pushing students at the Knowledge Hall. Then, awaiting the presence of honorary guests from MARA's top staff and then visit MARA's sacred song which has been a lot of encouragement to his students and concludes the national anthem. IKM Kuala Lumpur week of activity lasts for 4 days this semester. Day 1 The activities I've joined are 10 km marathon run for my college squint. The time I took about 40 minutes was just 10 minutes earlier than my previous record. The catalle I have become one of the elite team for the electrical department. For pitch balls I have been entrusted to be the keeper of scores. Day 2 On the second day I have joined the ball team and have won this event. Our group, Rafi ( team leader) Irsyad and Amin. Day 3 I have been joining e games which became one

Fahami Tayammum

Pengertian Tayammum Tayammum ialah menyampaikan atau menyapu debu tanah ke muka dan kedua-dua tangan dengan syarat yang tertentu. Tayammum dilakukan bagi menggantikan wudhu’ atau mandi wajib (junub, haidh dan nifas), ketika ketiadaan air atau uzur menggunakan air, dan ia adalah suatu rukhsah atau keringanan yang diberikan oleh syara‘ kepada manusia.     Disyari‘atkan tayammum berdasarkan firman Allah subhanahu wata‘ala:  Maksudnya:  “Dan jika kamu junub (berhadath besar) maka bersucilah dengan mandi wajib; dan jika kamu sakit (tidak boleh kena air), atau dalam musafir, atau salah seorang dari kamu datang dari tempat buang air, atau kamu sentuh perempuan, sedang kamu tidak mendapat air (untuk berwudhu’ dan mandi), maka hendaklah kamu bertayammum dengan tanah – debu yang bersih.” Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:6 Semua ibadah atau amalan ta‘at yang perlu kepada bersuci (taharah) seperti sembahyang, menyentuh mushaf, membaca Al-Qur’an, sujud tilawah dan beri‘tikaf di dalam masjid ad

BERSUGI - Mari Jadikan Amalan

Bersugi (Bersiwak)  1. Bersugi atau bersiwak adalah suatu perbuatan bagi membersihkan mulut dan gigi. 2. Bersugi hukumnya adalah sunat dan masanya ialah bila-bila masa tetapi masa yang paling dituntut ialah setelah bangun dari tidur, ketika hendak mendirikan sembahyang, ketika hendak membaca Al-Quraan dan ketika berubah bau mulut. 3. Dihukumkan makruh bersugi apabila telah gelincir matahari (masuk waktu Zohor) bagi orang yang berpuasa, sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud: “Dari Abu Hurairah r.a.h. dari Nabi s.a.w. sesungguhnya bau mulut orang yang berpuasa itu di sisi Allah s.w.t. itu lebih harum daripada kasturi“. (Riwayat Muslim) - Pada pendapat Imam Nawawi r.a.h bahawa tidak makruh bersugi bagi orang yang berpuasa sama ada telah gelincir matahari atau belum gelincir matahari. 4. Alat untuk bersugi ialah tiap-tiap sesuatu yang suci dan kesat seperti berus gigi, kayu arak (siwak), rotan, manggar kelapa dan lain-lain. 5. Hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. tentang ber


Assalamualaikum. Throughout this semester I have learned a lot of new things in English subjects. Among the new things I learned was Job Hunting . Job Hunting Searching for a job in the correct manner remains paramount for young job seekers. While many inexperienced applicants make simple gaffes when trying to find a job, others compound their mistakes by continually repeating them. From starting a search too late to holding the misguided belief that certain jobs are beneath them, teen workers might just not fully understand the future benefits of working entry-level positions. Giving up too quickly in the job-search process, not following simple directions, and making too many grammatical and spelling errors on the application may disqualify potential workers before they even arrive at the interview. A surefire way to find the right job is by tailoring the job search to personal and professional interests. Many companies seek out younger or inexperienced workers to fill