Hi. Assalamualaikum to all my beloved reader.Here I would like to share with you about the activities that IKM Kuala Lumpur has planned and have been running smoothly .Activities begin with pushing students at the Knowledge Hall.

Then, awaiting the presence of honorary guests from MARA's top staff and then visit MARA's sacred song which has been a lot of encouragement to his students and concludes the national anthem.IKM Kuala Lumpur week of activity lasts for 4 days this semester.

Day 1

The activities I've joined are 10 km marathon run for my college squint. The time I took about 40 minutes was just 10 minutes earlier than my previous record. The catalle I have become one of the elite team for the electrical department.For pitch balls I have been entrusted to be the keeper of scores.

Day 2

On the second day I have joined the ball team and have won this event. Our group, Rafi ( team leader) Irsyad and Amin.

Day 3

I have been joining e games which became one of the favorite sports for teenagers this era. I have registered a team called Speed ​​Victory.  We have chosen viral mobile legend game.We  were forced to lose because of a limited internet network at IKM Kuala Lumpur libraries. One of our teams has been lagging behind which was very bad that caused us to confess to the semi-finals.

Day 4

The treasure hunt event has lasted for over 6 hours which requires every student from IKM Kuala Lumpur to think of an answer out of the box. I was assigned to look after the checkpoint area .


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