Assalamualaikum. Throughout this semester I have learned a lot of new things in English subjects. Among the new things I learned was Job Hunting .

Job Hunting

Searching for a job in the correct manner remains paramount for young job seekers. While many inexperienced applicants make simple gaffes when trying to find a job, others compound their mistakes by continually repeating them. From starting a search too late to holding the misguided belief that certain jobs are beneath them, teen workers might just not fully understand the future benefits of working entry-level positions. Giving up too quickly in the job-search process, not following simple directions, and making too many grammatical and spelling errors on the application may disqualify potential workers before they even arrive at the interview.
A surefire way to find the right job is by tailoring the job search to personal and professional interests. Many companies seek out younger or inexperienced workers to fill entry-level jobs because teens and first-time employees adapt to training, are often willing to work varied schedules, and frequently need to accommodate other activities, which keeps payroll down and puts work hours on par with the needs of the business. Teens should check with community job boards, local libraries, and school guidance counselors for assistance in finding jobs. If finding employment with a major company proves difficult, the idea of starting a small business could be explored.
Job Hunting Skill ( Cover letter , Resume , and how to interview )
We were taught to create the cover letter of the application form where we were instructed by Pn Rodzah Hainan.The format we use is the official format we have ever learned from Secondary Schools. It may be easy for some of us

Reflection on Resume Assignment
Reflecting back on my resume assignment I found it to be very helpful to me, and a great way to put all of our experience in to a productive assignment. I have been required to do other resume projects in other courses in college so I have had some experience. However I found that even though I have done many resumes in the past they only seem to get harder and harder. It seems that that more and more attention to detail is placed upon the resume and it can become somewhat of a challenge. Though I already had all the required information in past resumes, I found that I had much more to add to this new one. Your experiences, education and activities change so frequently that the main task or responsibility of having a resume is trying to keep it updated. I had to change much of my resume to accommodate the position I am applying for today. I found that I changed much more of my résumé than I had anticipated but feel more confident about giving it to prospective employers. I noted that the most difficult part for me of this project besides the resume was writing the job letter. I have never done that in a formal way such as the one we were required to do and had no past knowledge of how to do one at all. As far as using the course goals I found that they were of importance for this project. I didii have to use the course goals as I had to analyze communication contexts. I had to think about my audience which was of course my prospective employer. I also had to remember that the purpose of the project was to apply for a job that I could potentially receive or one I was interested in, that was based around my major. I had to combine convincing and usable documents such as the way I attached my resume to my job letter to further inform the reader of my other qualifications. The genres of both the letters were business professional and should have been written as though an employer was going to look at them. I thought that this project was a very good idea because I spoke to may people in 
the class who had never done one before. I also am pleased that we did this because my resume has needed to be updated for some time and this gave me the chance to do that. Overall the resume assignment, I feel was a real success and gave everyone the opportunity to learn the importance of it, and give them something to take with them forever. Resumes are an ongoing task that has to be maintained and updated every time you apply for a new job. Employers have made this a requirement for most major positions and it should be. A resume is a great way to have printed what you should say in an interview so that the employer can’t forget it, it should make a statement and leave an impression. This project has allowed us to accomplish such a task and forced us to do the dreaded assignment which is a future necessity for anyone planning on getting a job in the real world.

How to Interview 

My lecturer also teach how interview was going on.
Writing a reflection of your last interview may help you obtain a college acceptance or job offer the next time around. Prepare for a future interview by determining your strengths and weaknesses. Write a journal so you may look at yourself objectively and make a plan for improvement. Be aware that the reflection is an account of your thoughts and ideas and is written solely for your own benefit.

Furthermore, Additionally, I was able to find out the correct way to apply when attending an interview. Lecturers give some tips that are wearing long-sleeved shirts. and the color is not too bright nor is it a weird 
pattern. Make it simple but attract the attention of the manager. Do not forget to wear a tie.In Addition , wear casual shoe .For me, i use Dr.Martin red heart colour.


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