Dikir Barat

Hi to all my readers, today (14/3/18) i want share to all about sport and 'kesenian dan kebudayaan' week.My class was chosen to make performance.we choose to doing dikir barat.

Dear readers, Can you all find which one is me ? the clue can i give i wear red Badanna .
Here is some video with short duration time 

Here the best part of dikir move that make audience very love it πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

When our leaders start sing solo audience very excited .What next we want do😝.hahahahaπŸ˜„I miss very much that moments.

Nice right ?πŸ’§ We use same style but with different colour .In front use Red BadannaπŸ’“ while at back use Blue colour one.πŸ’™After that we make dicision what solo singer colour that their use correct colour want.We all agree brown colour with musician player πŸ™Š

what do you think about my photo ? πŸ’—πŸ’—

see into my eyes and find your peace 

Mizan wear Red Badanna.

Rafi helped and show toMizan The best style to wear badanna

Abe doing some Silat Moves

Alip (chik) think he most handsome guy in Ikm Institute

Hipster ? Naim Can show you the Real Hipster and can make you more attractive boy to get pretty girl

Do you think im cute?  nah seem like Justine Bieber hahaha.

his name irsyad .We call his as cat .

Wak the only Jawa People still alive in Malaysia haahahaha

We take wefie .Wefie means selfie plus more people in one picture.

Practice make perfect

teamwork as fight like a brave soldier

Doa and pray to god


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